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Heart Worm Testing & Prevention

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Our Heartworm Test is $32


When purchased alone

Our Heartworm Test is FREE


When  purchased with 12 months of oral heartworm medication

Milbemycin oxime 

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Our Heartworm Test is FREE


When  purchased with 12 months of injectable heartworm medication


Proheart 12

12 Months of Oral Medication Pricing


0-25 lbs.-------------$71.00

26-50 lbs.------------ $88.00

51-100 lbs.-------------$106.00


To learn more about Heartworm transmission in dogs click the video below.

12 Months of Injectable medication


0-25 lbs.-------------$82.00

26-50 lbs.------------ $98.00

51-75 lbs.-------------$118.00

76-100 lbs.-----------$136.00


To learn more about ProHeart injectable heartworm prevention click video below

Heartworm disease in cats

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  • Did you know cats can get heartworm too?

  • A single mosquito bite can transmit heartworm to your cat.

  • Symptoms of heartworm in cats may include: Coughning, asthma-like attacks, vomiting, poor appetite, or weight loss.

  • The only way to prevent heartworm in cats is through the use of monthly heartworm  preventatives.

  • Except for prevention there is no treatment for heartworm in cats.

  • Start protecting your cat against this dangerous parasite.

  • We offer a variety of feline heartworm products.

  • Our products include both topical and oral monthly preventatives for cats and kittens.

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